Claim Warranty

  1. Login to your account in if you still do not have account in, you need to create account first.

May refer to page REGISTER ACCOUNT

  1. Click warranty.

  1. Next, click the warranty form to fill the warranty claim.

4. Fill in all the details For store details, state : Please choose the state that you change the item. Eg : HQ (Selangor)

All * is a must to be fill. If you have any questions, kindly contact us back for us to assist you.

  1. For the product details, all the details must be fill correctly. If you have more than 1 item, you need to click the 'Tambah Produk'.

Shipping Details need to fill also for the tracking number parcel that you post to HQ (If by postage)

  1. For the shipping details, the list can be edit. You need to click MY LIST

Then click EDIT to put the tracking number

  1. Done for warranty with HQ. Your item will be replace with point equal to amount that you purchase the item.

Last updated